Hello SEAL Team 3!
I hope this message finds you all well and in good spirits. Hope everyone is ready for the holidays as I am. Heres an recap of this month and some info for next month.
05/6/2023 - Patrol Training & Patrol Leader's Order :There was patrol training for both patrols. Great job on that. This is meant as both educational and team building and is highly encouraged for everyone in the patrols as this is only a bi-weekly exercise for 30 minutes. Keep put maximums partic
Hello SEAL Team 3!
I hope this message finds you all well and in good spirits. Great job this month got a lot done on the Operation side of things and I hope you are all prepared for next month. This Yeoman's announcement will have some of this month's topics stills. I have to push this one out early. I'll be going off to Warrant Officer Leaders Course training in Norfolk, but I'll be back in July.
Now for the current events of the Week/Month
05/21/2023 - The WARNO should be post
Hello SEAL Team 3!
I hope this message finds you all well and in good spirits. I would like to add Bravo Zulu to those last night who went through BUD/s Phase 4 in class 049. Your pass/fails should be noted to you in the next 24 hours or less.
Now for the current events of the week:
05/6/2023 - Patrol Training & Warning Order :There was patrol training for both patrols. Great job on that. This is meant as both educational and team building and is highly encouraged for everyon
Attention all hands, This is the Captain,
As we have concluded out Monthly meeting, I just wanted to recap on the events leading up to the Team meeting as there has been a lot of great things in the works.
Communications: Everyone, when joining the unit, said they could, when active, check the website on a daily basis. Some people are still not doing so. There are little orange NEW icons next to forum topics you have not read. Clean those out on a daily basis. The expectation is th