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Hello SEAL Team 3!
I hope this message finds you all well and in good spirits. Hope everyone is ready for the holidays as I am. Heres an recap of this month and some info for next month.
05/6/2023 - Patrol Training & Patrol Leader's Order :There was patrol training for both patrols. Great job on that. This is meant as both educational and team building and is highly encouraged for everyone in the patrols as this is only a bi-weekly exercise for 30 minutes. Keep put maximums participation in the PLO Meetings as it is important for every member of each patrol to stay on the same page so when the mission comes around we can board up of step off.
We has several SQTs for November Good job to those that participated in them. next month we will on have a few since it is December. If you are still wanting to do some sqts to bulid your knowledge and to move up in the ranks then feel free to talk to your patrol leadership.
12/01/2023 - Operation Red Storm 98: This is our campaign operation on this date of the new month. Remember to be on time so we can start on time. This event is open to everyone. Set your statues by Tuesday night IF you don't make that time i will chase you down if need be.
12/10/2021 - Unit Level Training : This is for members of the platoon and is a mandatory training, meaning you must have an excuse as to why you cannot attend and a decline with reason must be posted within a timely manner which should be 48 hours beforehand or sooner. This is meant for higher education purposes for the patrols and platoon in its entirety to continue to operate at peak efficiency. I expect to see everyone in patrol 1 & 2 in attendance. Remember what we have been doing with prior unit training to get yourself prepared.
Awards- The cut off for awards will be Sunday night. There has been a small decline in the punctuality for completing awards. There a reason why we want everyone putting awards in for each other is so everyone has a chance to get something. Remember if you need help making an award for someone, reach out to your fellow swim buddy! Also I wanna show off some SEALs that got some awards and promotions.
Awards and promotions for the month of May.
Navy Combat Action Ribbon- SOC Riley SOCS Rocha, SO1 Dean SO3 Edwards, SO1 Cobb, SO3 Wilder
Navy Achievement Medal- CAPT Vandal, LCDR Edmond, SO1 Dean, SO1 wick, ENS Smith
Navy/Marine Corps Medal- ENS Smith, ENS McCurry, SO1 Cobb,
Bronze Star- ENS McCurry, SO2 Vega, SO2 Wick, SO2 Harbison
Patrol Achievement- Command Element and Patrol
Patrol Excellence- Patrol 1 and Patrol 2
SN Edwards- SO3 Edwards
SO3 Wilder-Good Conduct Stripes
SO2 Vega-Good Conduct Stripes
SO2 Wick-SO1 Wick
SO2 Cobb-SO1 Cobb
SO2 Dean-SO1 Dean
SO1 Riley-SOC Riley
Operational Mission Milestones
SO2 Timos-40
SN M. Edwards-22
SO2 F. Wick- 36
SO1 S. Riley- 130
SOCM Leathers-218
SO3 Wilder-115
Great job to everyone. Operation counts are getting bigger and everyone here is growing!Mentors- Mentors need to be working with Mentees to ensure that candidates are signed up for and attending BUD/S phases, communicating, showing up to ops for promo points, generally being an engaged member of the unit. Unit Command shouldn't get any reports of Mentee's not being prepared for training, or having to be chased for reporting in for events. Being a mentor is a privilege as you are responsible for taking a new person under your wing and guiding them through our induction process until they either complete BUD/S or drop from the unit. If you are finding it difficult or getting a non-response from your Mentee/mentor please contact ENS Smith as soon as possible. He also runs a weekly check-in with you on your Mentees, be attentive to it. And remember you are accountable for their actions.
Youtube is an important part of our unit marketing efforts, just like voting. When you see a new video posted in S-9, go watch it, like it, and leave a comment. The comment does not have to be some great bastion of originality. The idea is to enhance unit marketing. Everyone should be doing their part. https://www.sealteam3milsim.team/forums/forum/23-s-9-public-relations/
I hope to see quick responses and good attendance for these events. Everyone keeps up the good work! Any questions do not hesitate to direct them to your mentors or up the chain of command.
Thank you all,
ENS W. Smith
Personnel Officer
SEAL Team 3-
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